September 21, 2009

Aristotle once quoted...

...that "A true friend is one soul in two bodies."; i'm also going to quote Shakespeare in A Midsummer Night's Dream that "Two lovely berries moulded on one stem; So, with two seeming bodies, but one heart." (although the latter quote applies more to lovers, but who says a lover can't be your best friend?). Anyways, i agree with both of these significant figures of English Literature, although i think in my case the single soul that is being quoted is split many ways.

i have 3 types of friends; ones i've accumulated through school, mutual friends and the children of my parents' friends; what's weird is that i've known some of my friends since birth until now, or more than 3/4 of my life. My friends are the people that are aware of my flaws, but see them as a part of what i'm consisted of and accept me for them; they're the individuals who see goodness out of all my crappy qualities, which is pretty difficult because i have quite a temper. And i guess the most important quality in my relationship with my friends is that we can still be serious and intimate on many levels when necessary, being there for each other through thick and thin, but still being able to have a freaking good time and laugh at each other's mistakes (mostly mine haha).

I really believe that wherever one goes with their friends, fun will just follow along - like even homework was fun so long it was done with great people! SO i would like to express my appreciation to how i somehow became friends with such awesome people, who have seen all sides of me but still choose to appear with me in public :). You guys made my yesterday, my today and my many tomorrows to come!

*last year we did an english assignment on a scene of "Much Ado About Nothing", so this is the trailer for our epic performance :) ; who said assignments can't be freakishly fun!? i played don jon, don pedro and hero so it was kind of weird LOL

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