September 18, 2009

Our Faces on the Cover of Facebook.

Although Technology is considered mankind's progress towards the future, there's also a negative aspect to it; i'll be honest, i do go to the occasional party and my mom has heard of facebook and all that stuff attatched to it like tagging photos, videos, and status updates, but from how recently SO many people have gotten a facebook, i'm afraid if a link to that one crazy photo will be clicked and appear into that wrong screen, because facebook does exploit its members' privacy (if you don't believe me take a look at the ads, don't they oddly relate to your interests?). Since i love the onion news network (best news network hands down), i think that this video really portrays the a mother's reaction to her child's life away from home, and how we all don't want our parents to snoop around in our personal stuff, and post on our wall five times a day saying to call them tonight, lol.

Facebook, Twitter Revolutionizing How Parents Stalk Their College-Aged Kids

* i posted up the youtube video, however, the link to the original video and the onion new networks website is provided if you want to check it out

1 cmnts:

1nquisitive said...

Wow, that video was NOT embarassing for that kid. LOL!

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